home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @if "%debug%"=="" echo off
- if "%1"==":" if not "%2"=="" goto %2
- for %%i in (%tmp%\_crc.*) do if exist %%i del %%i
- :: Crc Begin ::
- if "%1"=="" goto _end
- if not exist %1\nul %0 : _error Could not find '%1'
- :_chkvol
- dir %srcdrv% >%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- lmod [$!]<%tmp%\_crc.tmp >%tmp%\_crc.bak
- lmod @set _crc2=[1,8][+]@set _crc=[9,3]<%tmp%\_crc.bak >%tmp%\_crc.bat
- set _crc2=
- set _crc=
- call %tmp%\_crc.bat
- for %%i in (nwd NWD nwD nWd Nwd nWD NwD NWd) do if "%_crc%"=="%%i" goto _buildcrc
- if not "%2"=="" if "%2"=="%srcdrv%" goto _buildcrc
- set _crc2=
- set _crc=
- goto _end
- :_buildcrc
- dir %1\*.* /s >%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- tfind ":" <%tmp%\_crc.tmp >%tmp%\_crc.bak
- tfind /v "<dir>" <%tmp%\_crc.bak >%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- tfind /v "%1" <%tmp%\_crc.tmp >%tmp%\_crc.bak
- tfind /v /f10,3 "___" <%tmp%\_crc.bak >%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- type %tmp%\_crc.tmp >%tmp%\_crc.bak
- crc32 %tmp%\_crc.bak >%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- lmod @set _crc=[$2]<%tmp%\_crc.tmp >%tmp%\_crc.bat
- set _crc=
- call %tmp%\_crc.bat
- if not "%3"=="" if "%2"=="%3" goto _chkcrc
- if not "%2"=="" goto _newcrc
- goto _chkcrc
- :_chkcrc
- if "%3"=="" goto _simple
- dir %3 >%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- lmod [$!]<%tmp%\_crc.tmp >%tmp%\_crc.bak
- lmod @set _crc2=[1,8]<%tmp%\_crc.bak >%tmp%\_crc.bat
- set _crc2=
- call %tmp%\_crc.bat
- :_simple
- if not "%_crc2%"=="%_crc%" goto _wrong
- if exist %ramdrv%\halt.txt del %ramdrv%\halt.txt >%tmp%\nul
- echo CRC: Crc32 '%1' %_crc% (ok)
- set _crc2=
- set _crc=
- goto _end
- :_newcrc
- for %%i in (a: A: b: B: %ramdrv%) do if "%2"=="%%i" goto _label
- goto _env
- :_label
- if not exist %2\nul goto _env
- volume %2%_crc%nwd
- echo CRC: Crc32 '%1' %_crc% (imprinted)
- set _crc2=
- set _crc=
- goto _end
- :_env
- echo CRC: Crc32 '%1' %_crc% (env)
- set _crc2=
- goto _end
- :_wrong
- set _crc=
- set _crc2=
- echo HALT >%ramdrv%\halt.txt
- echo CRC: Crc32 '%1' failed (compromised disk)
- echo :w_wrong " NwDsk failed Crc32 " [x]>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo (%1)>>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\haltcrc.txt goto :_notxt1
- type %ramdrv%\etc\haltcrc.txt >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo. >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo [? Ok ] >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- call w.bat box @%tmp%\_crc.tmp:w_wrong #0
- goto _reboot
- :_notxt1
- if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\stopcrc.txt goto :_notxt2
- type %ramdrv%\etc\stopcrc.txt >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo. >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo [ Ok ] [? Cancel] >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- call w.bat box @%tmp%\_crc.tmp:w_wrong #2
- if errorlevel 2 goto _semiend
- goto _reboot
- :_notxt2
- echo This diskette has been compromised >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo Crc32 failed on some files >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo. >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo This session will be aborted >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo. >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo Please replace this diskette or shutdown the PC >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo Press 'Ok' to reboot the PC >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo. >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- echo [? Ok ] >>%tmp%\_crc.tmp
- call w.bat box @%tmp%\_crc.tmp:w_wrong #0
- goto _reboot
- :_error
- shift
- shift
- echo.
- echo CRC (error) %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
- echo.
- @rem pause
- goto _end
- :_semiend
- set wbat=
- set ?=
- for %%i in (%tmp%\_crc.*) do if exist %%i del %%i
- el! 1
- goto _veryend
- :_reboot
- set wbat=
- set ?=
- for %%i in (%tmp%\_crc.*) do if exist %%i del %%i
- reboot /c
- goto _veryend
- :_end
- set wbat=
- set ?=
- for %%i in (%tmp%\_crc.*) do if exist %%i del %%i
- :_veryend
- :: Crc End ::